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E-commerce Call Center Outsourcing is Increasingly Getting Data Driven

Writer: live salesmanlive salesman

Summary - Even though outsourcing of support functions for e-commerce industry in now an old business strategy, there is a palpable shift in the strategy for outsourcing. E-commerce call center outsourcing is increasingly between data driven and reliant on high quality data points for better modeling of strategy. Business Process outsourcing call center is now increasingly acting as a touch point for generation of good quality data along with the usual role of providing high quality customer support.

How important is data when it comes to customer support? These two terms would sound counter intuitive and poles apart to many people but if we tell you that this marriage is happening and is happening at a pace which has the potential to reshape the entire outsourcing business world. Business Process outsourcing call center have conventionally been centers for offering astute customer support to the visiting customers of any e-commerce brand but now a days they are getting utilized as scientific centers to create and store meaningful data on customer psychology and consumer behavior. Such data is then fed to Artificial Intelligence programs which are attached to e-commerce call center outsourcing channels and have good quality data science driven algorithms running. With technologies like natural language processing gaining main stream attention amongst technology companies, the emphasis is increasingly shifting towards designing a user experience in such a manner that input language stops becoming a deterrent to the over customer experience.

Language is the final frontier which needs to be overcome before a brand transitions from offering mediocre consumer experience to a superlative one. Multilingual customer service centers have traditionally offered customer support in more languages than mere English and have effectively bridge the divide of non-providence of native language in customer interactions. For example an Arabic call center would provide customer care service to the populace of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in both Arabic and English. This ensures that the customer doesn’t feel the gulf of language barrier while interacting with your brand. Language is a very important trigger for customer since if they hear a voice speaking on the other side of phone in their own mother tongue which is quite close to their heart then you will be surprised to see as to how quickly the brand starts building credibility in their mind. The sales cycles reduce significantly and the appeal for cross selling and up selling of any new service or a product goes up quite a few notches.

When a brand has e-commerce call center outsourcing which is aligned with the native language, for instance if it is coupled with an Arabic call centers then the brand recall is higher in the minds of the patrons. There are many management studies which are suggesting that as high as seventy percent around the globe who are e-commerce customers want to engage with a brand which provides them customer support in their own mother tongue. An Arabic call center based out of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does this job to the T. This Arabic call centers can actually be based out of any adjoining countries to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where the native language happens to be Arabic. Of course any e-commerce brand has to take this particular statistics in consideration that this pious language is spoken by 1.5 billon people around the globe as either their first language or the second language. The economic might and the buying power of this gentry is unparalleled and a brand can afford to ignore this large section of the global population to their own peril.

Coming back to the topic as to how multilingual customer service is increasingly becoming data driven, one has the primarily appreciate the role good quality input data is making to data modeling of final marketing strategies. Business Process outsourcing call center have now started putting major emphasis on how customer care call are being created and maintained in house at their data centers. You will be surprised to see the importance of good quality input data has in the minds and approach of the most prominent data scientists across the world. If the input data is compromised in any manner or is having a lot of noise and interference, the resulting output being fed to any artificial language program or a neural network comprising of multiple input data nodes, will suffer drastically and the resulting would spew out a garbage strategy more often than not.

The new age e-commerce call center outsourcing programs are getting designed in such a manner so as to reduce noise and interference at the grass root level itself. Business Process outsourcing call center companies are ensuring that strict standard operating procedures are being put in place and the executive team which is manning the workstations of the call center are well versed in each and every aspect of this new age operational style. Brands are increasingly investing significant amount of time and money in insuring and assuring that no mistakes are made while unearthing good quality data at these ground stations. There are regular audits and the supervisors are being asked to go the extra distance in making sure that the protocols are being met up with.

You will find many new age Arabic call centers being designed on such defined and strict protocols. The agents or service representatives of the brand as they are more popularly known are actually native residents who are well versed with the nuances of the local geography and the culture and thus ensure that not only the customer is getting replied to in a language he or she understands, but also ensure that the user engagement goes to the next level.



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